Tax Season is LASIK Season

April is in full bloom, which means two seasons are upon us: Spring and Tax.

While practically everyone loves the former, most people will agree that the best thing about tax season is the new TurboTax television campaign. For us, though, TurboTax commercials are #2 on our list of the two best things about the current tax season (it’s an incredibly short list).

Our numero uno, favorite, best-of-all-time thing about tax season is LASIK. Or, to be more specific, all-laser LASIK performed at nJoy Vision.

Thanks to tax refunds, it’s this time of year that many people decide to finally get the quality of vision they’ve always wanted. It’s also nice to not have to hassle with glasses and contacts when you’re at the lake or the pool, or reading The Old Man and the Sea in the hammock in your backyard

Whatever your plans are for the summer, here’s how to use your refund to get the most out of your visual acuity and the summers ahead.

First off, file your taxes. 

This year’s filing period was between January 31 and April 15. Last-minute filers should expect their direct deposits or paper checks to go out as early as April 23.

After you’ve filed, schedule your LASIK consultation.

Depending on how you filed – electronically or old-fashioned paper – you’ll have a bit of a wait until you receive your return. This is the perfect time to schedule your Free LASIK consultation at nJoy Vision. During the consultation, we’ll determine if your a good candidate for LASIK, answer any questions you might have, and explore other procedures, if necessary.

So you’ve filed your taxes, determined that LASIK is right for you, and gotten your refund. Now it’s time to have your procedure.

Thanks to LASIK’s quick recovery time, you’ll be all ready for summer before summer’s even here.

Last but not least, take it off.

For some people, medical expenses like LASIK can be tax deductible. Consult your tax professional to determine if this is the case for you.


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