Over the past 20 years, LASIK has become one of the world’s most popular elective procedures. Today, it is the first thing most people think of when they hear the terms “laser vision correction” or “laser eye surgery.” Although several other laser vision correction options are available for people depending on their refractive errors, age, …
For 45 years, Sandi Patty has moved audiences with her wide soprano vocal range and inspiring Christian Music. But when the Grammy Award-winning singer developed cataracts several years ago, she began to lose the most important part of her craft—the ability to connect with her audience. Recently, Sandi made the life-changing decision to restore her …
May is an important month for vision health awareness. Two significant awareness campaigns take place in May – Healthy Vision Month and Ultraviolet Awareness Month. These two awareness months occurring at the same time make it the perfect time to focus on your eye health while planning for a fun and safe summer outside. Healthy …
If you're considering laser vision correction, you've probably heard of LASIK, but there's another option you may want to consider – EVO ICL. This procedure is becoming increasingly popular due to its high success rate and numerous benefits. First, let's start with what EVO ICL actually is. The ICL stands for Implantable Collamer® Lens, which …
Sports and recreational activities are popular pastimes with many mental and physical benefits but can also come with risks. Sports-related eye injuries are not as rare as you might think, and they can seriously impact your vision long-term. This is why the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) recognizes April as Sports Eye Safety Month. Sports …
Spring is just around the corner in OKC! For now, though, we’re stuck squarely in that confusing time of year that could feel like winter, fall, or spring from one day to the next. Sometimes, we even hit the jackpot and get all three in the same 24-hour period. Yay. Not only is this weather …
It’s March! Can you believe it? The winter cold is starting to fade away, the days are growing longer, and all over the country, students are dreaming of spring break. This is the time of year when everyone starts thinking about LASIK in Oklahoma City so they can ditch the glasses before they hit the …
The first day of spring is just around the corner, and we all know what that means — blue skies, blooming flowers, and luscious green lawns are just around the corner! But before we land barefooted right in the sweet spot of everybody's favorite season, we have to first make it through the ups and …
A few years ago, an innovative ad campaign from the UK showed us how to use the flash on a smartphone camera to detect eye cancer in children. Now, there is also an app to aid in early detection of retinoblastoma and other serious eye conditions. Retinoblastoma is a rapidly developing cancer that begins in …
We’re at that magical time of year when February gives way to March, and America’s favorite season announces its arrival. We’re talking about NCAA basketball playoff season, of course. Madness is the only word to describe this phenomenon that sweeps across the country every March. Suddenly, everyone is an expert bracketologist. Insurance agents and aerospace …