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See in the Dark with the Sony A7s

The A7s is Sony's new, pint-sized full frame mirrorless camera. The "s" in A7s stands for sensitivity because it was designed for incredible performance in low light situations. For the photog-savvy among us, we're talking crazy high ISO settings up to an insane 409600. Instead, the point of this post is to show you just how …

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The Headaches of Computer Vision Syndrome

We are all guilty of being on our computers, tablets, and smartphones more than ever before. The eye pain and fatigue it causes are now making headlines along with the headaches. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) describes a group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer use. Every year, there are more than …

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Woman's face with long dark eye lashes (MODEL)

The Glaucoma Medicine That Gives You Long, Luscious Lashes

In her lifetime, the average woman will spend $4,000 on mascara alone in order to make her eyelashes appear longer, fuller, and darker. Capitalizing on this huge market is pharmaceutical company Allergan with a prescription drug that doesn’t just make lashes appear longer and fuller, it actually makes them grow longer and fuller. This drug …

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The Very Real Struggles of Wearing Contacts

When you think about it, contact lenses truly are amazing little feats of engineered medical technology. Not only do they sit directly on your eyeball and focus light so you can actually see (so cool!), they're also oxygen permeable and made of large molecules called polymers (so science-y!). But if you ask anyone who has …

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Beauty Through the Eyes of the Blind

Every day, we get to use amazing technology to give people the sight they’ve always wanted. Often times, they walk away with a totally new view of the world and a new appreciation for the beauty it holds. But despite what much of society might project or experience through popular culture, beauty is more than …

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Russell Westbrook Brings His Frame Game

It's no secret that we're suckers for UV blocking sunglasses (we've already written a handful of posts this summer on this very topic). But we're even bigger suckers for UV blocking sunglasses bearing the name of OKC Thunder point guard Russell Westbrook. Whether you're a fan of the Thunder, Russ, fashion, or just saving your …

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The Importance of Eye Exams for Seniors

It's no secret that as we grow older, our vision often begins to decline. Still, it's not uncommon for aging adults to ignore their bodies and skip routine eye exams or neglect to visit an ophthalmologist. This is especially concerning because one in six Americans age 65 or older has a vision problem that cannot …

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Smart Contact Technology Is Really Happening

Science and technology never cease to amaze us. Not too long ago, we wrote a blog about Google’s patents for smart contacts containing a multi-sensor system that would integrate with remote devices via blinking patterns. On July 15, the New York Times released an article saying that Google had created a partnership with European pharmaceutical company Novartis …

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Could a Simple Eye Test Detect Alzheimer’s Disease?

If you're old enough to have aging parents, grandparents or great-grandparents, there's a pretty good chance you know a thing or two about dementia and Alzheimer's Disease. Maybe you've even seen firsthand its effects on your loved one's mind and body. What you may not realize, though, is that Alzheimer's is not just an "old …

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