"One in ten children in America—over 5 million in all—has a vision problem significant enough to impact their ability to learn in school." 5 million. Let that number sink in. While the typical school vision screening may give students a ‘perfect’ grade of 20/20, this test only tells one thing: how well they can see at …
Okay, okay. We couldn't help it! With all of the craze surrounding the new game Pokemon GO, we just had to weigh in. Unless you have been in a coma, living under a rock, or wandering in the wilderness for the last week, you have undoubtedly heard about this digital phenomenon that is gaining unprecedented …
Hear ye, hear ye! It is World Chocolate Day, and we have some great news! Every once in a while, a news story comes along that makes your day a bit sweeter, literally. Today's bit of good news centers around one strange sounding word: Bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids According to our pals at allaboutvision.com, Bioflavonoids (also called …
OK. We know it seems weird to post about fireworks safety AFTER the 4th of July has come and gone, but here's the truth. Fireworks hurt, even after the holiday is over. There is a reason that July is "Fireworks Safety Month." It's obviously the one month out of the year in which most fireworks …
At nJoy we are big fans of social media! The World Wide Web has been the primary way that we share with you the amazing things going on at our three nJoy Vision Centers in OKC, Tulsa, and Houston. And today is a very special day in the land of social media. Our pals at …
Spread the news! It is National Sunglasses Day! Every day—whether it’s sunny or cloudy, summer or winter—millions of Americans make the conscious decision to not wear sunglasses or other ultraviolet (UV)-protective eyewear. While seemingly harmless, this habit carries serious vision risks, many of which are not known or understood by those who fail to wear …
Question: What's cooler than a super-high-tech lens that helps telescopes focus on objects in the far reaches of space? Answer: Knowing that the same technology is used to correct your vision when you get LASIK! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2U12h6udwE We've been saying it for years. nJoy Vision uses state-of-the-art technology when it comes to helping you correct your …
Our pals at Eyeful posted a really great story that we had to share. It wasn’t until his ninth grade English class that Ashton Timmons realized he could no longer read the board. Vision impairment had crept up on him slowly, like it does for so many people. This was going to be a problem. …
Admit it. Sunday is Father's Day, and you are still trying to decide between giving your dad ANOTHER tie, or maybe making him one of those, coupons for a FREE hugs. But let's face it, this idea just isn't as cute as it used to be. This year, now that you are a grown adult, …
Sometimes when we say “I can’t afford LASIK” or “I’m probably not a good candidate for LASIK,” what we really mean is “I’m afraid of LASIK.” Not that those other points aren’t legitimate. Many people actually save a lot of money switching to LASIK from contacts, and there’s a lot of good information out there on whether …