It's World KC Day and we're here to raise awareness about keratoconus! According to The Discovery Eye Foundation, keratoconus "is a non-inflammatory eye condition in which the normally round dome-shaped cornea progressively thins causing a cone-like bulge to develop." This then leads to visual impairment. The cornea is responsible for allowing us to complete simple, but …
Leaves changing. Halloween stores opening. Candy stashing. This can only mean one thing. October has finally arrived. While this month is full of exciting activities and events, it’s also Home Eye Safety Month. “Accidents involving common household products cause 125,000 eye injuries each year.” – Prevent Blindness Is this number shocking to you? While many would …
Currently, more than 3 million people in the U.S. have Glaucoma in the Unites States alone. Let that number sink in for a second. The scary truth behind this number is that a large percentage of men and women who currently have glaucoma are not even aware that they have the disease. By 2030, the NEI …
Christmas carols dominating the radio, cards being received left and right, Santa Claus at every mall and holiday store... All this can only mean one thing: the Holiday Season has officially arrived. While this is the most wonderful time of the year, with it comes some dangers worth noting to ensure a seasonal gathering with …
Today, November 14, is World Diabetes Day, fittingly brought up during the month of Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month. The theme for this year is “Eyes on Diabetes,” a day to focus on “the importance of screening to ensure early diagnosis”. Here are some facts and figures from IDF: 415 million adults were living with …
While the title alone may have been a mouthful, we’re breaking down all the extensive information into bite size facts so you can better understand why November is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month. “According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, approximately 29 million Americans age 20 or older have diabetes, but almost one-third don’t know …
Hearts across the nation are being won over by young Beckham Zobrist’s courageous cancer-survivor story. At only 7 years old, Beckham is being open and honest about his struggles and journey of being a retinoblastoma survivor. From the Chicago Tribune, “His parents and doctors have tried for the last four years to help him embrace …
Today is the second Thursday of October, and we all know what that means – it’s World Sight Day Okay, to be honest, you probably didn’t know that. The good news is that we’re here to educate you on all there is to know about WSD! World Sight Day is an annual day of bringing …
The school year has kicked off for just about everyone, not to mention the start-up of football. Fittingly, September marks the month of Sports Eye Safety. While many of us are aware of sports-related injuries, what you may not be aware of is that eye injuries account for a large amount of those injuries. According …
Hear ye, hear ye! It is World Chocolate Day, and we have some great news! Every once in a while, a news story comes along that makes your day a bit sweeter, literally. Today's bit of good news centers around one strange sounding word: Bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids According to our pals at, Bioflavonoids (also called …