Everyone knows that diet and health go hand-in-hand. In that same way, overall health can impact vision and eye health, especially as you age. So even if you don’t have vision problems now, doing what you can to proactively promote eye health will be helpful as you age. Eye Disease and Overall Health Several common …
2022 has been designated The Year of Children's Vision, and this month is Children's Eye Health and Safety Month — just in time for the new school year. Vision and eye problems can have a huge impact on a child's success in academic and extracurricular activities. This August, make your kids' eye health a priority …
July is always hot in Oklahoma, but this year is something else. We’ve already had more 100s than a pre-algebra quiz at MIT. Don’t call this streak of scorched-earth temps a heat wave, though. A wave implies water, cool and refreshing. This heat is definitely not a wave. It’s more like an explosion.Of atomic fire-gas.On …
Summer is here, and Independence Day is just around the corner. Your 4th of July holiday usually ends with enjoying professional fireworks and maybe even lighting a few of your own in the backyard. June is Fireworks Eye Safety Month, so before you light your first bottle rocket or sparkler, let’s talk about the dangers …
It’s May! The weather is heating up, schools are winding down, and all over Oklahoma families are preparing for vacations, summer camps, and little league sports. But May is also an important month for vision health and awareness because it has been named Healthy Vision Month by the National Eye Institute and Ultraviolet (UV) Awareness …
Many celebrate the end of the year by coming up with New Year's resolutions. But, unfortunately, a majority of people have given up on them by the end of January. A recent survey in Great Britain found that two-thirds of people who make resolutions give up on them by the end of January. Why did …
‘Tis the season for bright lights and winter wonder. Between setting up the tree and watching kids’ holiday productions, there’s a lot to take in this time of year. Unfortunately, many people struggle through the holidays with imperfect eyesight — though there’s no reason to settle. If seeing is believing, here’s how laser vision correction …
Well, here we are at the end of 2021, and what can we say? While it wasn’t necessarily the glorious, post-COVID rebound year we were all hoping for, it wasn’t bad either. Kind of like that week-old leftover Thanksgiving turkey you finally polished off. It started out so savory and moist. But by the time …
Myopia, also referred to as nearsightedness, is a vision condition that causes far-away objects to appear blurry while objects near to you remain fully visible. Myopia is a refractive error, meaning the eye doesn't bend (refract) light the way it's supposed to. As a result, the eye focuses images at the front of your retina …
The holiday season is here and we’re flexing our gift-giving muscles with a $600 LASIK discount during the Holidays of LASIK at nJoy Vision. $600 off LASIK during Holidays of LASIK! Speaking of flexing this holiday season, it’s the perfect time of year to put that Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA) …