There’s a point at which enough is enough and they’ve gotta come off your face.
Maybe they’ve been hugging your ears or pinching your nose for too many consecutive hours, or maybe you just want a break from clarity and want to put the world out of focus — whatever the reason, be very careful where you set those bad boys down.
These are the five worst, absolute worst, places to set your glasses down (and you have defo set your glasses down one or more of these places).

1. In a rideshare or taxi
This seems like an obvious one, but it’s also kinda the perfect place to give your eyes a break. You’re headed from one place you needed to see and/or interact with people to another place you’ll need to see and/or interact with people. By all means, take your glasses off, but do not set them down in the car. Because cars drive away, and it’s crazy hard getting your rideshare or taxi driver to drive back.

2. Anywhere toddlers are present
They’re curious about objects and their hands are sticky. Also, kids’ hands are pinkeye factories. Consider yourself warned.

3. Or dogs
They’re curious about objects and they interact with them using their teeth. Don’t blame them, they’re basically one big mouth. But those teeth are a $300+ trip to Lensmakers or Eyecrafters or whatever.

4. The collar of your shirt
This is a default spot for a lot of people, which is a tragic mistake. It’s super easy to forget they’re there, and they’re prone to fall out when you bend over, which is a high-speed, one-way trip to a cement or concrete surface if you’re outside.

5. Almost any table
For two reasons: 1. If you walk away from the table, it becomes much harder to locate your glasses when you don’t have your glasses on, and 2. Things get set down on tables. If someone isn’t paying attention or doesn’t expect your glasses to be there, all manner of grocery bags or heavy equipment can get set right on your frames.
If you want to set down your glasses for the very last time and haven’t given it a close look in a while, maybe it’s time to consider LASIK. It’s the vision correction solution that ditches the inconveniences of glasses and contacts.